Stimulsoft Reports and Dashboards version 2019.3.7 released.
This release comes with some updates including export to TXT in JS and speed optimizations in dashboards. You may download it at
- The Sort button is added to the element’s action buttons.
- Export to Excel. Now you can export the page color.
- JS. Export to TXT is added.
- The TimeSpan functions.
- Speed optimizations in rendering dashboards.
- Improved table export to all image formats.
- We completely redesigned the style selection menu in Ribbon. Now styles are displayed in several columns for easy viewing.
- The TopN button is added to the element’s action buttons.
- Some issues with position of the report checker in some situations.
- The issue with the SumDistinct function.
- The issue with exporting charts to PDF.
- Incorrect column names when exporting a table to data files (XML, JSON, CSV and others).
- Improved export of dashboards to Excel, fixed styles when exporting dashboards and individual elements.
- Improvements to parsing patches in maps — support for multiple values for the parameters H, h, V, v.
- Problems with Cross-tab conditions.
- The StiOptions.Engine.ReportResources.ResourcesPath property now works properly.
- Export to Image. The exception occurred if ImageType=Grayscale.
- When using Html tags or Wysiwyg TextQuality, Font Fallback now works.
- An exception when compiling a report if ReportLanguage=VB and the logical operators “and”, “or” are used in the arguments of aggregate functions.
- JS. Report hung if an exception occurred in data path parsing.
- JS, ToWordsEnGb decimals round error.
- JS. In some cases, TextFormat did not load correctly from the template.
- Some problems with the export to Word.
- A stackoverflow bug with some reports.
- Some problems with editing a dashboard from the viewer.