Happy Holidays from Stimulsoft!
The end of the year is a joyful, exciting, and anxious moment. Remember your childhood. Christmas Eve. There is a knock on the door, and mom asks you to hide in your room because now someone-you-should-not-see will enter the home. This is part of the game of mystery and magic. You hear a rumbling voice, as if daddy’s, but with a bad cold. But strangely, Mom calls him Santa. She tells him how good you were this year and that you deserve the best present. It is a joyful moment.

The door closes, and mom asks you to leave the room and run to the New Year tree. Under the green, resin-smelling beauty, you find a wrapped box. It is an exciting moment.
What is hidden behind the bright packaging? I wish it were an F1 Racing Wheel. An anxious moment comes.
What’s next? Either happiness or disappointment.
Now, you ask, how does this relate to Stimulsoft company? Everything is very simple. At the end of the year, adult uncles and aunties want to see their company’s financial statement in a good mood and want to see an increase in production and sales to surprise their children and present them what they dream about. The software we sell cannot influence this, but it can help them create a financial or any other report. We do not know what data will be used in reports, but we are sure that with our tools, uncles and aunties will combine them to obtain objective and accurate results.
Merry Christmas!
Always yours, Stimulsoft team.